Soil is tested at TQP for many applications such as:
- Soil gradation and characteristics for capacity proposes (Particle size, Sieve analysis Atterberg limits, Proctor, plate load, field density, etc.
- Direct shear and consolidation including testing permeability under pressure.
- TQP is also conducting load testing to top soil or micro piles using digital load cell with spherical head up to 200 tons.
- California Bearing Ratio-CBR.
- Direct Shear
- Consolidation
- Soil penetration and Vane shear testing.
- Soil for irrigation purposes (Full chemical analysis of metals and aggressive salts)
- Soil in contact with concrete structures (Chlorides, Sulfates, pH, etc)
- Impact of soil on the environment, such as dredged soil. (Analysis of heavy metals, presence of organic pollutants or hydrocarbons, etc.)
Soil Testing
Soil | Test Method | Description | Date |
Atterberg limits (liquid and plastic) | AASHTO-T89 / ASTM D 4318 | These test methods cover the determination of the liquid limit, plastic limit, and the plasticity index of soils. liquid limit (LL, wL)—the water content, in percent, of a soil at the arbitrarily defined boundary between the semi liquid and plastic states.plastic limit (PL, wp)—the water content, in percent, of a soil at the boundary between the plastic and semi-solid states. plasticity index (PI)—the range of water content over which a soil behaves plastically. Numerically, it is the difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit. | Jan. 2017 |
Bearing capacity of soil using spherical frame | ASTM D1194 | This test method covers estimation of the bearing capacity of soil in place by means of field loading tests. This test method can be used as part of a procedure for soil investigation for foundation design. It gives information on the soil only to a depth equal to about two diameters of the bearing plate, and takes into account only part of the effect of time. | Jan. 2017 |
Plate load test using spherical frame (up to 10 load increments) | ASTM D1194 | This test method covers estimation of the bearing capacity of soil in place by means of field loading tests. This test method can be used as part of a procedure for soil investigation for foundation design. It gives information on the soil only to a depth equal to about two diameters of the bearing plate, and takes into account only part of the effect of time. Load could be applied in 10 equal increments. | Jan. 2017 |
Boron content of soil | Standard Test method | The hot-water-soluble test This method was developed in 1939 and it continues to be used to determine available Boron in soils. Boron % is an essential criterionfor many products in irrigation. | Jan. 2017 |
Bulk density of soil | BS 1377 P2 | In this standard, density is expressed in terms of mass density. The bulk density of soil is the mass per unit volume of the soil deposit including any water it contains. The dry density is the mass of dry soil contained in a unit volume. Both are expressed in Mg/m3 which is numerically the same as g/cm3. | Jan. 2017 |
California bearing ratio | ASTM D1883 | This test method covers the determination of the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of pavement subgrade, subbase, and base/course materials from laboratory compacted specimens. The test method is primarily intended for but not limited to, evaluating the strength of cohesive materials having maximum particle sizes less than 3⁄4 in. (19 mm). | Feb. 2017 |
Chemical analysis of limestone | ASTM C25 | These test methods cover the chemical analysis of high-calcium and dolomitic limestone, quicklime, and hydrated lime. | Feb. 2017 |
Chemical analysis of soil | BS 1377 P3 | "This test describes methods for determining the amount of chemical substances, in soil samples. The type of analytes is determined based on the intended use of the soil. Please note: “This test is not priced, please contact us for more details” | Feb. 2017 |
Consolidation test of soil including 5 permeability tests | ASTM D2435 | These test methods covers procedures for determining the magnitude and rate of consolidation of soil when it is restrained laterally and drained axially while subjected to incrementally applied controlled-stress loading. The data from the consolidation test are used to estimate the magnitude and rate of both differential and total settlement of a structure or earth fill. Estimates of this type are of key importance in the design of engineered structures and the evaluation of their performance. The test results can be greatly affected by sample disturbance. Careful selection and preparation of test specimens is required to minimize disturbance. | Feb. 2017 |
Magnesium content in soil | BS3882 | This test method determines the Magnesium content in soils using EDTA solution. | March 2017 |
Open porosity and apparent density of natural stone | BS EN 1936 | This test method is intended to determine real density, apparent density and open porosity of natural stone. | March 2017 |
Phosphorus content in soil | BS3882 | This test method determines the Phosphorus content in soils by spectrophotometric analysis. | May 2017 |
Water content of soil | ASTM D2216 | This test method covers the laboratory determination of the water (moisture) content by mass of soil, rock, and similar materials where the reduction in mass by drying is due to loss of water. | April 2017 |
Direct shear of soil (up to 5 load increments) | ASTM D3080 | This test method covers the determination of the consolidated drained shear strength of a soil material in direct shear. The test is performed by deforming a specimen at a controlled strain rate on or near a single shear plane determined by the configuration of the apparatus. Generally, three or more specimens are tested, each under a different normal load, to determine the effects upon shear resistance and displacement, and strength properties such as Mohr strength envelopes. | April 2017 |
Dispersion test-Crumb method | BS 1377 P5 | Certain fine-grained soils that are highly erodible are referred to as dispersive soils. Dispersive soils cannot be identified by means of conventional soil classification tests, but the equivalent tests described in this test method enable them to be recognized. | |
Dispersive characteristics of clay soil by double hydrometer | ASTM D4221 | This test method, when used in conjunction with a test performed by Test Method D 422 on a duplicate soil sample, provides an indication of the natural dispersive characteristics of clay soils. This test method is applicable only to soils with a plasticity index greater than 4 as determined in accordance with Test Method D 4318 and more than 12 % of the soil fraction finer than 5-μm as determined in accordance with Test Method D 422. This test method is similar to Test Method D 422, except that this method covers the determination of percent of soil particles smaller than 5-μm in diameter in a soil-water suspension without mechanical agitation and to which no dispersing agent has been added. | April 2017 |
Electrical conductivity of soil | TQP | The way that Electrical conductivity can be measured is using an EC meter. The probe or sensor consists of two metal electrodes and a constant voltage is applied across the electrodes resulting in an electrical current flowing through the sample. Since the current flowing through the water is proportional to the concentration of dissolved ions in the water, the electrical conductivity can be measured. The higher the dissolved salt/ion concentration, the more conductive the sample and hence the higher the conductivity reading. | May 2017 |
Electrical conductivity of soil (from Calcium Sulfate extract) | BS 3882 | The way that Electrical conductivity can be measured is using an EC meter. The probe or sensor consists of two metal electrodes and a constant voltage is applied across the electrodes resulting in an electrical current flowing through the sample. Since the current flowing through the water is proportional to the concentration of dissolved ions in the water, the electrical conductivity can be measured. The higher the dissolved salt/ion concentration, the more conductive the sample and hence the higher the conductivity reading. This method tests the electrical conductivity of soil by calcium sulfate extract. | May 2017 |
Falling head permeability | soil properties book | The falling head permeability test is a common laboratory testing method used to determine the permeability of fine grained soils with intermediate and low permeability such as silts and clays. This testing method can be applied to an undisturbed sample. | April 2017 |
Field density (Sand cone) | ASTM D1556 | This test method may be used to determine the in-place density and unit weight of soils using a sand cone apparatus. This test method is applicable for soils without appreciableamounts of rock or coarse materials in excess of 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) in diameter. | April 2017 |
Heavy metals in soil (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Se, B, Cu, Ni, Zn, etc) | Spectro | "Testing soil for the presence of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Se, B, Cu, Ni, Zn, etc.) is made using Spectrophotometric analysis. Please note: “This test is not priced, please contact us for more details” | May 2017 |
Insoluble residue in carbonate aggregates | BS 812-P119 | This test method is used for determining the amount of acid-soluble material in both size fractions of fine aggregate, all passing a 5.00 mm test sieve, separated by sieving on a 600µm test sieve. | March 2017 |
Iron content in soil (total) | Standard test method | This test method is used for determining the amount of Iron present in soil using Spectrophotometric analysis. | March 2017 |
Modified Proctor | ASTM D1557 | These test methods cover laboratory compaction methods used to determine the relationship between water content and dry unit weight of soils (compaction curve) | March 2017 |
Organic contaminants in soil (polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Phenols, free and complex Cyanides, Sulfate, Sulfide and Sulfur) | Standard Test method | This test method is used for determining Organic Contaminants in soil (polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Phenols, free and complex Cyanides, Sulfate, sulfide and sulfur) | March 2017 |
Organic matter in soil (Loss On Ignition) | AASHTO-T257 | This procedure covers the determination of the percentage by dry mass of organic matter present in a soil by gravimetric analysis | March 2017 |
Organic matter in soil-Chemical method | BS 1377 P3 | This procedure covers the determination of the percentage by dry mass of organic matter present in a soil by volumetric analysis | March 2017 |
Particle size analysis of soil | ASTM D422 | This test method covers the quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soils. The distribution of particle sizes larger than 0.075 mm (retained on the No. 200 sieve) is determined by sieving, while the distribution of particle sizes smaller than 0.075 mm is determined by a sedimentation process, using a hydrometer. | March 2017 |
pH of soil | ASTM D4972 | This test method covers the measurement of the pH of soils for uses other than for corrosion testing. Such measurements are used in the construction, agricultural, environmental, and natural resources fields. | March 2017 |
Phosphate content in soil | TQP | These test methods cover the determination of phosphate in soil. Phosphorus (P) is an essential element classified as a macronutrient because of the relatively large amounts of P required by plants. | March 2017 |
Salinity of soil | TQP | Determination of the salinity is crucial for irrigation. Soils that contain a harmful amount of salt are often referred to as salty or saline soils. Soil, or water, that has a high content of salt is said to have a high salinity. | March 2017 |
Shrinkage factors of soils by the mercury method | ASTM D427 | This test method covers a procedure for obtaining the data which are used to calculate the shrinkage limit and the shrinkage ratio. | March 2017 |
Silica content in soil | Gravimetric | TQP uses chemical and physical testing, either destructive or non-destructive, to verify the quality of your product. | March 2017 |
Specific gravity of soil | ASTM D854 | These test methods cover the determination of the specific gravity of soil solids that pass the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve, by means of a water pycnometer. When the soil contains particles larger than the 4.75-mm sieve, Test Method C 127 shall be used for the soil solids retained on the 4.75-mm sieve and these test methods shall be used for the soil solids passing the 4.75-mm sieve. | March 2017 |
Standard Proctor | ASTM D698 | These test methods covers laboratory compaction methods used to determine the relationship between water content and dry unit weight of soils (compaction curve) compacted in a 4 or 6-in. (101.6 or 152.4-mm) diameter mold with a 5.5-lbf (24.4-N) rammer dropped from a height of 12 in. (305 mm) producing a compactive effort of 12,400 ft-lbf/ft3(600 kN-m/m3). | March 2017 |
Total dissolved solids in soil | BS 1377 P3 | Total dissolved solids (TDS) comprise inorganic salts and small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water. The principal constituents are usually the cations calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium and the anions carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate and, particularly in groundwater, nitrate (from agricultural use). | March 2017 |
Total limestone in soil | Volumetric analysis | TQP uses chemical and physical testing, either destructive or non-destructive, to verify the quality of your product. | March 2017 |
Unconfined Compression of Soil (Stress + Strain) | ASTM D2166 | This test method covers the determination of the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil in the undisturbed, remolded, or compacted condition, using strain-controlled application of the axial load.This test method provides an approximate value of the strength of cohesive soils in terms of total stresses. This test method is applicable only to cohesive materials which will not expel or bleed water (water expelled from the soil due to deformation or compaction) during the loading portion of the test and which will retain intrinsic strength after removal of confining pressures, such as clays or cemented soils. Dry and crumbly soils, fissured or varved materials, silts, peats, and sands cannot be tested with this method to obtain valid unconfined compression strength values. | March 2017 |
Wet sieve analysis of soil | ASTM D422, D1140 | This test method covers the quantitative determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soils. The distribution of particle sizes larger than 75 μm (retained on the No. 200 sieve) is determined by sieving, while the distribution of particle sizes smaller than 75 μm is determined by a sedimentation process, using a hydrometer. | March 2017 |
Electrical Resistivity of soil (Wenner’s method) | ASTM G 57/AASHTO T288 | This method covers the equipment and procedures for the field measurement of soil electrical resistivity, both in situ and for samples removed from the ground, for use in the control of corrosion of buried structures. | March 2017 |
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) | ASTM G200 | This test method covers a procedure and related test equipment for measuring oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of soil samples removed from the ground. Soil ORP, in conjunction with other soil characteristics such as electrical resistivity (see Test Methods G57 and G187), is used to predict corrosion tendencies of buried metallic structures (for example, pipelines and culverts. The ORP of the soil is one of many factors that influence structure service life. Its measurement is used in the design of new buried structures and in the evaluation of existing buried structures. | March 2017 |
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